ISICS Series-21


Series-21 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-20


Series-20 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-19


Series-19 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-18


Series-18 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-17


Series-17 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-16


ISICS Series-15


Series-15 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-14


Series-14 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-13


Series-13 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-12


Series-12 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-11


Series-11 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-10


Series-10 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-9


Series-9 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-8


Series-8 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-7


Series-7 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-6


Series-6 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-5

ISICS Series 5 Live streaming on Youtube

Prof. Dr. Brian G. Keating is an American cosmologist and a Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of physics at the Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences (CASS) in the Department of Physics at the University of California, San Diego. He is a public speaker, inventor, and expert in the study of the universe’s oldest light, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), using it to learn about the origin and evolution of the universe. Keating is a writer (Losing The Nobel Prize (2018) and Into the Impossible (2021)) and podcaster. Losing the Nobel Prize is the best-selling author of one of Amazon Editors’ ‘Best Non-fiction Books of All Time”. He has lectured on six of seven continents, and his lectures have been seen in person and online by over 5 million viewers. He also teaches astronomy to high school students since 2012 as part of his outreach work and has given presentations to over 3,000 K-12 students since 1994.

Series-5 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-4

Video Workshop ISICS Short Video Competition Series-4

ISICS Series 4 Live streaming on Youtube

The fourth series will feature Dr. Hashima Hasan, Deputy Program Scientist of James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), NASA, USA. Hashima Hasan is the NASA Program Scientist for NuSTAR, the Keck Observatory and ADCAR, and is Deputy Program Scientist for the James Webb Space Telescope. She serves as the Education and Communication Lead for Astrophysics and as the Executive Secretary of the Astrophysics Advisory Committee.

Series-4 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

ISICS Series-3

ISICS Series 3 Live streaming on Youtube

Series Title:
A new measure: The Quantum Reform of the Metric System by Professor Dr. William Daniel Philips, Physicist at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA.

Date : 21st January 2022
Time : 9:00am until 11:00am (Malaysia Time)

Series-3 Special Guest Speaker Sharing

Special video of Professor Dr. William Daniel Philips taken from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

ISICS Series-2

ISICS Series 2 Live streaming on Youtube

Series Title: Taking a Scientific Approach to Science & Engineering Education by Prof. Dr. Carl E. Wieman, Professor of Physics & Graduate School of Education, Stanford University.

Date : 11 November 2021

Time : 11:00 am Malaysia Time

Series-2 Special Guest Speaker Introduction

A short video introducing the special guest speaker for ISICS Series-2

ISICS Series-1

ISICS Series 1 Live streaming on Youtube

Series Title: Reasons for the Success of the APOLLO Mission by Prof Dr Farouk El Baz, Director, Centre for Remote Sensing, College of Engineering Boston University, USA.

Date : 16 September 2021

Time : 9:00 am Malaysia Time

Series-1 Special Guest Speaker Introduction

A short video introducing the special guest speaker for ISICS Series-1

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